Friday, January 4, 2008

Merry Christmas to an Un-Born Kid

So Christmas has come and gone, and it is now time to settle down and get ready for the next major step...The birth. But before we get there lets talk about the "haul" Will took in this Christmas. Here we have a kid who will not be born for another 2 and 1/2 months and he is already getting more things than I am. Now I have heard the resounding feedback of "Well, get used to it" and trust me I am perfectly fine with him getting tons of Christmas presents...BUT HE IS NOT EVEN BORN YET! Seriously folks, what use does an unborn child have for a dog that teaches him his colors and numbers. Now, don't get me wrong I've had a blast playing with that dog, and I have never been so good with my colors and numbers. I appreciate the review in kindergarten education, but Will could not care less at this point. We have decided that to fix this situation, we will simply re-wrap all that he got this year to give to him next year, and for those of you who gave him the wonderful presents, we thank you, but next year when Christmas comes all your wonderful gifts will be under the tree for Will and the from tag will read "Mommy and Daddy". That's right we are hijacking your gifts to use for our own. Of course I say all of this mostly in jest. We truly do appreciate your gifts to Will. Heck, I bought him 4 or 5 things myself. Thanks, and I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, and a fantastic New Year.